What's The Parisian Hostess up to now??? — cooking with essential oils

Ice Cream, You Scream, we ALL scream for Lavender Ice Cream!

Posted by Tamara Darress on

Love Lavender? Then you are going to die over this delicious Lavender Ice Cream made with Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils!

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Zesty Lemon Mango Smoothie Bowl Recipe!

Posted by Tamara Zaharczuk on

So I think I have turned into a work-o-holic because I find myself going through fast food drive thrus for lunch and dinner ( because I don't have time to cook) and sit on the couch with my computer in my lap coming up with new ideas for products and designs. I haven't been feeling really well,( tired and my tummy bothering me), I teach good health and I haven't been taking my own advice! Last week was the final straw and I started to make a change in my life. I joined the Yoga Barre and have gone to...

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