News — self love

4 Easy Techniques to Reduce Stress in Your Life

Posted by Tiffany Bent on

Playing Soothing Music Stressful scenarios can leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious. One simple and effective way to alleviate stress is to listen to soothing music. Playing calming tunes can help your mind relax and shift your focus away from the stressful situation. Create a playlist of your favorite calming tracks and have it on standby for those moments when you need a quick escape from stress. Make Light of It: Laugh More Laughter has long been considered the best medicine, and for good reason. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which are natural mood elevators. These endorphins reduce...

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How to Use Our Skincare Products

Posted by Tiffany Bent on

Taking care of your skin is an essential part of self-care. A good skincare routine can help you maintain healthy, glowing skin that not only looks great but also feels great. In this blog post, we'll discuss a simple yet effective skincare routine that involves cleansing with a charcoal soap and konjac sponge, using a hibiscus toner, applying a serum, moisturizing with an essential oil-packed moisturizer, and rolling on a blemish buster for those pesky blemishes. Follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to achieving the beautiful, radiant skin you've always wanted. Cleanse with our charcoal soap and...

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Period Self Care: Treating Yo'self During the Crimson Tide

Posted by Tiffany Bent on

Period Self Care: Treating Yo'self During the Crimson Tide Listen up, ladies (and gentlemen with periods, we see you too!), it's time to talk about taking care of yourself during that time of the month. You know what we're talking about - the menstrual cycle, the monthly visitor, the crimson tide. It's a natural and normal part of life, but it can often leave us feeling like a hot mess. That's why we've got to get our self-care game on point. And since we're all about keeping things real, we're giving you the lowdown on period self care with a...

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